18 May 2007

Introducing this Blog – Idea, Goal & Rules

I. The Idea

This blog is an extension of the Online One State Bibliography Project - http://www.onestate.org - that actively seeks to provide a wealth of information about the ever increasing one state / two state debate in Israel/Palestine. True to its name, the project is primarily concerned with compiling articles, papers, and other documents related to the one state / two state discussions from all relevant perspectives for both ideas. However, as is readily apparent by the header image, the project is run by a one state advocate arguing for one democratic secular state in Israel/Palestine.

The author and administrator – John Sigler – is a Jewish-American activist that has been engaged in the struggle to achieve justice for the Palestinian people for many years. Beginning from a strong two-state position and, like many, falling for disingenuous “peace process” that began in Madrid; over the years his position has evolved and today he is an unapologetic anti-Zionist one state supporter, believing that the ethnocentric and exclusive ideology of Zionism is the root of the problem.

The creation of this blog was stimulated by two recent events, specifically locating new articles for the bibliography and a recent series of exchanges on the issue at another website.

The process of updating and maintaining the bibliography involves a near constant search for, and at least cursory review of, new articles on the topic. The process is itself quite educational in that it gives the person undertaking it insight into the newest arguments and/or spin being added to the debate by extremely diverse writers and commentators. At the same time one is constantly coming across the same old arguments and rhetorical straw-man constructs, so assuming the person compiling the information already has given opinions and counter-arguments, there is definite desire to comment on much of these.

The second event was a recent series of exchanges and discussions exploring the issue in some detail on Dan Fleshler’s “Realistic Dove” website. The exchanges were conducted on the comment threads and remained civil though, like this blog, the administration was already strongly opinionated (in that case, in favor of a two state solution; whereas this blog is clearly supportive of the one state idea). Giving full credit where it is due, the administration did allow alternative perspectives and even opposing points of view; however, due to the bias of the administration, the posted topics kept the discussion within a Zionist Left framework that essentially confined alternative perspectives to the role of reactionary polemics.

These two events combined has resulted in this blog. One of the interesting things about the reactionary polemics at Realistic Dove is that because of the framework, the articulation of the one state case had to be analytical, deconstructing the opposing arguments point by point, in some cases almost line by line. This is the same methodology that Norman Finkelstein (a two state supporter) used to such telling effect in Appendix III of his Beyond Chutzpah in countering much of Dershowitz’s fanciful hasbara work. Such a methodology removes rhetorical flourish and turn of phrase from the discussion replacing it with a detailed analytical response to the contentions being challenged. As part and parcel of maintaining the bibliography project, there are many new articles being presented that deserve this analytical treatment and this is what this blog intends to do.

II. The Goal

The overall goal of the Online One State Bibliography Project is to provide a resource for those interested in the topic and presents information from most viewpoints. Despite the tone and context of the site, the actual material is essentially impartial and has hopefully been of some use.

This blog, on the other hand, makes no pretense to being impartial. The purpose is to deconstruct and carefully counter selected articles that either support a two state solution or actively oppose the one state idea, with an emphasis on the latter. The goal is to stimulate debate and discussion of the topic.

III. The Rules

The actual postings – the blogs – are open and free to public as long as the source is properly given, which is more or less a standard online convention. As long as credit is properly attributed, anyone is welcome to reproduce, in full or in part, the actual postings.

The administration reserves the right to edit actual postings UNTIL there is either a comment or a link back to the posting in question affirming that someone has actually read the material. The primary concern is correcting typos or poor phrasing, nevertheless, once there is proof – a comment or link back - that someone has read the material no further editing will take place. The exception to this rule is this initial posting which is subject to revision at any time or for any reason.

The blog is beginning with open comments, i.e. anyone is allowed to comment at their leisure. However, the administration does reserve the right to delete comments, especially those that:

a) Are completely off topic or spam;

b) Are racist – including anti-Semitic (not to be confused with anti-Zionist) and Islamaphobic – in nature;

c) Are extremely crude or graphic ad hominem attacks on other individuals.

If, in the future if the open comment feature turns into a mess, moderation may be implemented.

The administration of this blog can be contacted by CLICKING HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"Peace" means, when holding pseudo-discourses with factions and a "people" who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and Jews, "...wherever they are to be found..." including"...hiding behind a tree..." is the hommage that destructive, sworn genocide-makers would pay to the highly democratic, life-affirming people that we are as Jews.

the "issue" of "Peace" is a civilized way of asking, how shall Israel and the Jews be utterly wiped off the map of the world and relegated to "museums"..(see Poland).

"Shalom" means, leave us alone, already, solve your problems and help people in your own countries; focus on education the poor and allowing women to be equal citizens and obtaining the "status" of human being, under your wonderfully Highly Enlightened, and civilized, "Sharia" law.

The REAL question being bandied about and argued over woth dastardly "infidels" some of them highly anti-semitic, is: " Shall Israel self-destruct, or, shall Israel be wiped off the map and the Jewish Peoples everywhere, including, yours truly, be exterminated in another "genocide" or nuclear holocaust?

Any other focus is nonsense and a true waste.

The answer, in my view is: Israel is a COUNTRY, it has WON territory when it was ATTACKED by MIGHTY extremely WEALTHY, highly civilized :) neighbours - (all countries should be surrounded by such law-abiding, peace-loving, Enlightened and Spiritual neighbours.)

Therefore, Israel as a Country, retains ALL of Its Territory (there IS for all intents and pusposes NO "occupation" - another convenient buzz concept to encourage internal strife amongst Jews) tyhe ole divide and conquer strategy. How about, settleling refugee camps in Arab countries where their co-citizens will warmly welcome and extend a helping hand!! Jews have been doing this for aeons and are renowned for helping, Not just their own people.

Thus, logically the kindest most loving Truly peaceful thing is: repatriation of ALL arabs in Israel, oops, "palestinians" back to HUGE EXTREMELY wealthy, Arab countries where I am sure their fellow arabs will be delighted to integrate them into their society.

The Jewish State, retains, ALL of its' territorIES as ALL countries do. If Some nations do not like it....I am sure that they will have way tooo MANY issues concerning their own people to worry about what the Jewish state, is "Supposed to do", if it wants to be "liked".

The Irony is that Israel will never be liked by its own sworn enemIES unless it self-destructs and all Jews are at risk for murder, GLOBALLY.

I suggest that Israel, tap into its'INNATE, Unbelievably courageous backbone, and refuse to barter "tempory acceptance", in exchange for annihilation, or anything else for that matter.

Jews Everywhere are "owed" Israel's Own survival. Israel owes NOTHING to enemies dedicated to murdering its citizens and murdering Jews everywhere.

There is a profound deeper than deep,tender, gentleness in insisting on a persevering courage that refuses to acquiesce to what I call "the stupid factor"; what everywhere else in history is known as Appeasement.

Thus, Israel is JEWISH, not Secular, NOT anything ELSE. The Jewish Peoples have the right to EXIST, have a right to their own country, and the right to LIVE in peace. Anyone who chooses to be offended by these rights Israel has should consider - dare I suggest, blowing themselves up - that I think is in line with a profound Spiritual innovation many of the leaders have decreed is a sacred duty - it does NOT beling in iSRAEL, NOR, in the world as proposed by those "dastardly "Infidels"....Lots of space in the desert to die for a heart-felt, "Spiritual cause"...